About SCA Switzerland
Establishing and supporting the development of a progressive speciality coffee culture

The Speciality Coffee Associations build on decades of knowledge, research and practical experience.
SCA Switzerland is the Swiss chapter of the international organisation SCA.
Vision / Mission
Speciality coffees are top quality coffees with unique flavour characteristics, grown under the best conditions and therefore only available in limited quantities. Professionally prepared and brewed, they produce coffees with high sensory qualities in the cup.
Mission statement of the Swiss Speciality Coffee Association
Define and promote the quality of coffee right through to the cup in all its dimensions while adhering to ethical and sustainable principles along the entire value chain.
All players in the value chain work together in the SCA to unite and represent the interests of its members.
The Swiss SCA aims to act in an opinion-forming and visionary manner in these areas and to represent the interests of consumers.
Strategy of the Swiss SCA
Setting up, organising and supporting events, seminars and courses to promote conscious coffee consumption and coffee quality; certification of experts, national and international competitions with awards.
Defining the criteria for high-quality coffee in co-operation and exchange with SCAE members and national and international associations.
Opinion-forming via the media and through events; establishment and operation of a ‘coffee’ knowledge centre

Ueli Basler

Ennio Cantergiani

Gloria Pedroza

Maxime Christen

Michael Eugster
The SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) is an international non-profit organisation with various national ‘chapters’.
You can therefore become a member of the SCA directly. You can register quickly and easily using the linked form.
Our members
The SCA Switzerland Chapter is an association with a growing number of members – people like you who are looking for excellent coffee. Our members come from all areas of the coffee industry, from machine manufacturers to roasters, café owners and suppliers.
- Roast Rebels (Homeroaster), 8044 Zürich | www.roastrebels.com
- Amici Caffè AG, 6330 Cham | www.amici.ch
- Carasso-Bossert SA, 1217 Meyrin | www.carasso.ch
- Blaser Café AG, 3001 Bern | www.blasercafe.ch
- Fritz Bertschi AG, 4127 Birsfelden | www.bertschi-cafe.ch
- Kolanda-Regina AG, 3000 Bern | www.kolanda.ch
- MESOB AG, 8962 Bergdietikon | www.mesob.ch
- Hochstrasser Ltd, 6014 Littau | www.hochstrasser.ch
- Rast Kaffee AG, 6031 Ebikon | www.rast.ch
- Original Food GmbH, 6052 Hergiswil | www.kaffa.ch
- Global Coffee Connections, 6330 Cham | www.globalcoffeeconnection.com
- Guest & More GmbH, 8041 Zürich | www.guestandmore.ch
- Pausa Caffè Sarl, 6802 Rivera | www.pausacaffe.ch
- Kaffee Badilatti & Co. AG, 7524 Zuoz | www.cafe-badilatti.ch
- A Kuster Sirocco Kaffee AG., 8716 Schmerikon | www.coffee.ch
- Illy Café AG, 8800 Thalwil | www.illycafe.ch
- Nestlé Nespresso SA, 1004 Lausanne | www.nespresso.com
- Ferrari Caffè, Mondialprodukte AG, 8953 Dietikon | www.mondialprodukte.ch
- La Semeuse, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds | www.lasemeuse.ch
- Mondelez Schweiz GmbH, 8152 Glattpark | www.mastrolorenzo.ch
- Kaffeerösterei Vitali, 8052 Zürich | www.caffeista.com
- Turm Handels AG, 9320 Arbon | www.turmkaffee.ch
- La Maison du Café, Trottet SA, 1217 Meyrin | www.trottet.ch
- Rost AG, 6210 Zollikofen | www.rosca.ch
- Kaffeeschmiede, 3550 Langnau | www.kaffeeschmiede.ch
- G. Henauers Sohn AG, 8181 Höri | www.henauer-kaffee.ch
- derkaffee, 3474 Rüedisbach | www.derkaffee.ch
- P. Graf Kaffeerösterei AG, 5405 Baden-Dättwil | www.graf-kaffee.ch
- GipfelstürmerKaffee, 8918 Unterlunkhofen | www.gipfelstuermerkaffee.ch
- Radical Beans, 8046 Zürich | www.radicalbeans.ch
- Stoll Kaffee AG, 8045 Zürich | www.stoll-kaffee.ch
- Kaffeerösterei Hosennen, 6442 Gersau | www.caffe-mondiale.ch
- Delica AG, 4127 Birsfelden | www.delica.ch
- FreshCoffee GmbH, 8803 Rüschlikon | www.freshcoffee.ch
- Coffee Rico, 8006 Zürich | www.coffeerico.ru
- RickliS Kaffeerösterei, Ernst Rickli AG, 8730 Uznach | www.ricklis.ch
- Vitudurum.com GmbH, 8500 Frauenfeld | www.vitudurum.com
- Dreiherzen Kaffee GmbH, 8840 Einsiedeln | www.dreiherzen.ch
- Schweizerische Kaffeeröstereien AG, 3052 Zollikofen | www.skr-ag.ch/
- Nestlé Professional, 8001 Zürich
- HACO AG, 3073 Gümligen | www.haco.ch
- Die Bäckerei Meier, 8266 Steckborn | www.beck-meier.ch
- Dallmayr Automaten-Service, 6917 Barbengo | www.dallmayr.ch
- Mocoffee AG, 8008 Zürich | www.mocoffee.com
- Kaffee Shop, 3904 Naters | www.kaffeeshop.ch
- Black and Blaze Coffee Company, 8123 Ebmattingen | www.blackandblaze.com
- Rocca & Zgraggen AG, 7524 Zuoz | www.rocca-zgraggen.ch
- Caffè Sempione AG, 3912 Termen | www.caffesempione.ch
- Röstlabor Zürich, 8049 Zürich | www.roestlabor.coffee
- hässig & hässig, Luzerner Kaffee Handwerk, 6004 Luzern | www.haessig-haessig.ch
- la mar Cafe fenomenal, 8002 Zürich | www.lamar.ch
- Santatirsa, Keli Villazón, 4054 Basel | www.santatirsa.com
- The Coffee Address – caffè la Tosteria Genève, 1206 Genève | www.thecoffeeaddress.ch
- Cellini Caffè (Schweiz) AG, 8008 Zürich | www.cellinicaffe.ch
- Aromawerk, 3007 Bern | www.aromawerk.ch
- KX ORAIO GmbH, 9014 St. Gallen | www.kx-oraio.com
- El Imposible Roasters GmbH, 6048 Horw | www.roasters.ch
- Rüegg’s GmbH, 8887 Mels | www.rueeggs.com
- CAFFÈ DUE LEONI, Soodring 34, 8134 Adliswil | www.dueleoni.ch
- Masaba Coffee Sagl, Via Sole 29, 6942 Savosa | www.masabacoffee.com
- Miss Vietnam Roasters, Hinterbergstrasse 56, 6312 Steinhausen | miss-vietnam.ch
- Rösterei Maria-Rickenbach GmbH, Klosterweg 7, 6383 Niederrickenbach | roesterei-maria-rickenbach.ch
- ViCAFE Espresso Bars AG, Hohlstrasse 418, 8048 Zürich | vicafe.ch
- MUYU Coffee Roasters, Via Castelrotto 18A, 6600 Locarno (Tessin), muyu.coffee
Coffee machines
- Hubacher Kaffeemaschinen AG, 8500 Frauenfeld – www.hubacher-ag.ch
- Schaerer AG, 4528 Zuchwil – www.schaerer.com
- Jura Elektroapparate AG, 4626 Niederbuchsiten – www.juraworld.com
- Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG, 4663 Aarburg – www.franke-cs.com
- Espressoworld, 2380 Murten – www.espressoworld.ch
- Egro Suisse AG / Rancilio Group Spa, 5605 Dottikon – www.egrosuisse.ch
- Cafina AG, 5502 Hunzenschwil – www.cafina.ch
- Kialoa GmbH, André Kissling, 9403 Goldach – www.kialoa.ch
- Rogalla – Dalla Corte Schweiz, 6004 Luzern – www.rogalla.ch
- Thermoplan AG, 6353 Weggis – www.thermoplan.ch
- Vassalli Service AG, 8050 Zurich – www.vassalli.ch
- HGZ Maschinenbau AG, 8108 Dällikon/Zurich – www.hgz.ch
- Olympia Express SA, 8750 Glarus – www.olympia-express.ch
- Eugster Frismag AG, 8590 Romanshorn – www.eugster.ch
- Aequator AG, 9320 Arbon – www.aequator.ch
- Humbel AG Kaffeemaschinen, 3665 Wattenwil – www.humbel-kaffeemaschinen.ch
- Eversys, 1957 Ardon – www.eversys.ch
- Vitudurum, Frauenfeld, www.vidtudurum.com
- Stalder Kaffeemaschinen Center, 6003 Luzern, www.caffesempione.ch
- GILDA Kaffeemaschinen AG 6005 Luzern – www.gilda-kaffeemaschinen.ch
- Escatec Switzerland AG, 9435 Heerbrugg – www.escatec.com
- Bean2me / Coffee Avenue, 1201 Genève – www.bean2me.ch / coffeeavenue.ch
Coffee Shops
- Home Barista Shop, 5000 Aarau – www.homebaristashop.ch
- Gustus GmbH, 8610 Uster – www.kaffeezentrale.ch
- LE PEDALEUR, www.lepedaleur.com
- Babu’s Bakery & Coffeehouse, 8001 Zürich – www.bobo-l-escargot.ch
- Adriano’s Bar & Café AG, 3011 Bern – www.adrianos.ch
- apropos Kaffee, 7000 Chur – www.apropos-kaffee.ch
- Confiserie Monnier, 3280 Murten – www.monniermurten.ch
- Kaffee-Klatsch, 7270 Davos-Platz – www.kaffee-klatsch.ch
- H. Schwarzenbach AG, 8001 Zürich – www.schwarzenbach.ch
- Riesen AG, 9495 Triesen, Liechtentein – www.riesen.li
- Café Noir Masslos GmbH, Zürich – www.cafe-noir.ch
- Elvetino AG, Zürich, 8005 Zürich – www.elvetino.ch
- Restaurant La Crêperie, 5000 Aarau – www.lacreperie.ch
- Shisha Bar, 3600 Thun – www.shishabar.ch
- Kaffi Schopp, 7413 Fürstenaubruck – www.kaffischopp.com
- Back-Caffee AG, 2540 Grenchen – www.back-caffee.ch
- Boréal Coffee Shop, 1204 Genf – www.borealcoffee.ch
- Premium Handelswaren GmbH, 9014 St. Gallen – www.premium-shops.ch
- MundArt Scuol GmbH, 7550 Scuol – www.mundartscuol.ch
- Unternehmen Mitte GmbH, 4001 Basel – www.mitte.ch
- Henrici AG, 8001 Zürich – www.cafe-henrici.ch
- DaRina, Arnaldo Mettimano, 3007 Bern – www.pizzeriadarina.ch
- Hotel Berchtold, 3401 Burgdorf – www.berchtold-group.ch
- Kaffeewelt GmbH, 9014 St. Gallen – www.kaffeewelt.ch
- mocona gmbh, Gerbeweg 2, 8560 Märstetten, kaffee-erlebnis.ch
- Pro Table GmbH, 9000 St. Gallen – www.protable.ch
- Eugenio Gullo, 4603 Olten – www.ilcabarolino.ch
- Café Confiserie Laimbacher; 9050 Appenzell – www.laimbacher.ch
- Bar Nocciolina, 8002 Zürich – www.nocciolina.ch
- Bösch Gastro GmbH, 3860 Meiringen
- Kaffeehaus, 9000 St.Gallen – www.kaffeehaus.sg
- BKNP GmbH, 8002 Zürich
- CoffeeHills Association, 1294 Genthod
- Autogrill Schweiz AG, 4601 Olten – www.autogrill.ch
- Café Zeitlos, 8180 Bülach – www.cafe-zeitlos.ch
- Caffettino Event, 1204 Genève – www.caffettino.ch
- ASPON GmbH, 7012 Felsberg – www.kaffeepads.ch
- Barista – Specialty Coffee & Bar, 9000 St.Gallen
Green coffee
- Ecom Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd, 1009 Pully – www.ecomtrading.com
- Efico SA Constantia Trading, 2900 Porrentruy – www.efico.com
- Schluter S.A., 1260 Nyon – www.schluter.ch
- Blaser Trading AG, 3001 Bern – www.blaser-trading.ch
- InterAmerican Coffee Schweiz, 6301 Zug – www.iaccoffee.ch
- RACAFE AG, 4053 Basel – www.racafe.ch
- VOLCAFE, 8401 Winterthur – www.volcafe.com
- Sense of Coffee GmbH, 6330 Cham – www.senseofcoffee.ch
- Volcan Farm Invest AG, Zug – www.gctrading.ch
- EFICO SA, 2900 Porrentruy
- Keli Villazon Amaya, 4054 Basel
- Algrano, 4612 Wangen b. Olten – www.algrano.com
- Val&Tin’s Garden ,8001 Zürich – www.valandtin.ch
- Walter Matter S.A., 1211 Genève – www.wama.ch
Related products
- Densus AG, 5400 Baden – www.densus.ch
- CO Management, 5600 Ammerswil – www.comanagement.ch
- Brita Professional, 6025 Neudorf – www.brita.ch
- SK tec SA (Probat), 6850 Mendrisio – www.sktec.ch
- Ditting Maschinen AG, 8184 Bachenbülach – www.dittingswiss.ch
- Bühler AG, 9240 Utzwil – www.buhlergroup.com
- Pentair International, 1004 Lausanne – www.pentair.com
- Faeka Chemie GmbH, 8423 Embrach – www.awimac.ch
Consulting & Organization
- UTZ CERTIFIED Foundation, 3065 Bolligen – www.utzcertified.org
- CafetierSuisse, 8002 Zürich – www.cafetier.ch
- Berufsverband Restauration, 6002 Luzern – www.union-restauration.ch
- Max Havelaar Stiftung (Schweiz), 8000 Zürich – www.maxhavelaar.ch